Image Delivery System Help for Clients

Image Delivery System Help for Clients
Create a Free account
1- Your email address is your user name. Please create a password for yourself, tick the Terms & Conditions box, then click “Submit”
2- Click through to View Your Gallery Invitations
Downloading individual Images
1- Click the image you wish to download
2- select the size you wish to download and save it to a folder on your hard drive
Downloading all images in your gallery
1- Click “browse” then select the folder, on your hard drive, where you want to save the images.
2- Select the size you want the images to be when downloaded and the system will automatically prepare and download all images
While the system is preparing the files for download you can click “skip” to cancel the download of that file and move on to the next one. You will be able to return and download skipped images if you find you do need them.
Downloading all images in a gallery requires Java to be enabled and you may need to allow a little time for the down-loader applet to start. If you are having problems downloading files in this way please try downloading them individually.
Some boxes like “browse” and “submit” may appear to be greyed out, giving the initial appearance they are not working, please do try clicking them they do work.
Available file sizes are
Original File size usually a jpeg file of about 5Mb
2400 (Large) – A jpeg file of approximately 3Mb
1200 (medium) – A jpeg file of approximately 800kb
600 (small) – A jpeg file of approximately 300kb
The images when displayed in the on-line gallery have a copyright logo over them. This will NOT appear on the files you download.
User Names & Passwords
The user name and password combination you create on your first visit to the client delivery area will also be needed to access future invitations you receive. Your user name is usually the email address the invitation was sent to. If you forget your password there is a “recover password” link below the “Log On” button. Password recovery is an automated process handled by the system, the password you create is entirely private. I have no access to it.
If you are having problems just give me a call and I will help.